Well, here I lay (Lie? Lay? Layed? Lays Chips? I need to stop) with my final 3 weeks of highschool. I'll be honest, it has not been fun, I am not grateful to all of my teachers for "helping" me, and I downright hate the school I was forced to go to for most of my life. THAT ASIDE, yeah I'm graduating. I already have a job doing artwork for a childrens' ministry book (for my church that I go to) and depending on how much that pays I may get a second job (unsure of this at the current time). But now for what you're all probably here for, my work and stuff I post to Newground.
Chaos War - Well, Episode 9's script is still in the works but VERY close to the final resolution for the series. I have to give a HUGE amount of thanks to shadefalcon & aceofspadesth for being helpful and reading over the script to fix any grammatical errors and helping with more fitting dialogue. Animation for the episode will begin shortly and I hope you all will enjoy it when it is released!
With that said I'm not entirely sure when the episode will be released. Motivation has been slowly dying and I haven't been feeling very confident anymore with what I animate. Without proper motivation I don't want to work on the episode without putting my full effort and heart into it to make it to the best of my ability. Thank you all for your time.
OK dude.